Monday 22 April 2013

9 Reasons Why Some African Ladies End Up Single For Life

1. Many African ladies will end up
singles for life because of media
exposure - it is so disheartening
how a lady will glue her eyes on a
mobile phone from morning to
night, only to raise it up to focus
on television to watch another
celebrity entertainment channel.
Tell me, what else will dominate
this lady’s mindset aside how to
live a fake celebrity life being
promoted on television channels?
2. Many African ladies now dislike
cooking and home chores just
because they had been totally
brainwashed by movies
showcasing men playing the role
of women in a family, and due to
excessive exposure to modern
media that promotes gender-
equality in a destructive way
that’s aimed at destroying the
unique African family setting that
made our previous African
marriages everlasting and envious
to the westerns. Now, with this
attitude, how do you expect a
African man to desire to marry
when he knows he is only buying
more headache and trouble than
helper for himself?
3. Excessive makeup turns most
decent and serious-minded men
off - if you have observed, you
will discover that most men
dislike excessive makeup, and
more don’t even like it at all;
reason they often times
discourage their true loved ones
to do away with it cos it speaks
ill of a lady even though so many
men will applaud and complement
you for looking like an Egyptian
mummy. A slight makeup is okay;
but if you are out for marriage,
try always to look simple and
natural, it will attract better men,
decent and serious-minded,
except you are still living in your
high school life and not thinking
towards marriage.
4. Stop giving your number out
to every joystick & harry! No man
would want to propose marriage
to a lady whose phone is always
talking and laughing with
unserious calls. You may not be a
playgirl, but he would judge you
as one, and will likely flee at the
slightest chance or disagreement.
5. You don't bring any value into
the life of men you date or are
dating - because your best friend
married without contributing
anything to the man that finally
married her, doesn’t mean it will
work for you that way. Think,
work towards equipping yourself
so that you can be a value and
also add value to his life to
convince him that you are worth
committing to. Adding value to
his life isn’t by giving him money,
or material gifts, nope….good
counsels, being his best friend,
helping him attain his goals in
life, lending him moral, mental
and spiritual support, and by not
just being a liability that only
bring requests and problems to
be solved.
6. Your friends run your life -
how do you expect to find a
husband when you still allow your
clique of friends to be dictating
which man you meet is worthy of
your love and which is not? When
will you wake up and face the fact
that those your best friends even
though they cherish you, wouldn’t
want you to marry before them
or to marry the best man?
7. You give everything out during
dating - As a single lady who has
not been taken to the altar, you
need to reserve some things for
your husband to be, especially
your body, respect it and
preserve it at all cost. In the past,
men rushed to marry to get
certain things or privileges they
had been constantly denied while
being single. Such privileges
include and not limited to:
constant s*x and companionship,
good food and tidied home, etc.
But today, a single man gets even
the best and of course more of
constant s*x, good food and
excellent home-keeping more
than his married counterparts, so
tell me how the hell you want
him to desire to marry you when
you have given him virtually
everything he desires from a wife
while being his girlfriend? And the
most painful part of it all is that
he knows that you are prepared
to cut down on s*x supply,
cooking, home-keeping, etc once
he marries you, so why would he
not want you to remain his
girlfriend for life?
8. You package yourself wrongly -
in your attempt to look sexy,
adorable and maybe appealing to
guys, you have derailed from
appealing to appalling. In fact you
look more whorish than modest;
more distractive than attractive,
and more disgusting than
adorable. Your dressing style
determines who gets attracted to
you most times. If you dress high
school, only high school-thinking
guys will be attracted to you, and
if you dress excessively sexy and
provocative, only randy men will
come to you for urgent
satisfaction of their immediate
s*x urge, so don’t be fooled by
media hyping of certain kinds of
dressing, they are meant for
certain set of ladies you wouldn’t
like to be associated with, be
careful. Remember, not all
clothes that look sexy are good
for a seriously searching for a
soul mate single lady.
9. You lack manners, character,
wisdom and good home
upbringing - definitely, your ‘hot
girl’, ‘pretty girl’, ‘sexy girl’ looks
will win you so many men; both
the good, and the bad, but your
inner beauty, your character and
manner are the things that will
determine whether any of those
men would stay or run after
accomplishing their evil missions.
In order words, do away with
nagging, being possessive,
challenging with men in negative
ways, the mentality of ‘what a
man can do a woman can do
better’, a lie devil has used to
deceive and destroy so many
ladies today, please do away with

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Grow Up, My Sister!

Dear Girls...


He won’t use condoms, you use pills… Why? Because he wants it natural (think of ovarian cancer and infertility)!

He gets you pregnant, you have aborted like 5 times… Why? Because he is not ready! GROW UP!

He is tired of the natural place for copulation. He moves to ur ass, saying its tighter. Then u begin to lick and smell... Why? Because you want to please and not lose him... GROW UP!

You have been wearing his engagement ring for close to 4yrs, he is not wearing any... Why? Because he has promised you marriage. GROW UP MY SISTER.

He wants a blow job, yet he won’t give you head... Why? Because he feels you are not so clean “there”... GROW UP, MY SISTER!

You dress half naked thinking you look sexy and hot, he isn’t complaining. But he has more clothes on... Don’t be surprised when he takes a more decent girl home... GROW UP LADY!

A guy dumps you, you wanna pay him back and all you could think to do was sleep with his friend? And you think this is pay back? Like seriously??? MY SISTER GROW UP!

You think getting pregnant for him will make him marry you? GROW UP GIRL.

You become a single mama with no Job, no means for feeding for your baby and yourself. So, you leave Junior with Grandma and you go back to the hustling field. Then you begin to say MEN are wicked!!!

Whose fault? Please ladies, be wise! You know you deserve better than this! Don't always be at the loosing end!!!

Friday 12 April 2013

Post Easter Detox: Day 4

I forgot to weigh in today because i was late for work. The day was pretty hectic and tiresome. Didn't manage to eat anything all morning because i was busy, i only ate around 2pm.

I didnt even manage to drink any water today, which is really bad for me right now, considering i am detoxing. Slept really late because i had work to do.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

The Top 10 Things That Women Love About Men, But Will Never Say

Men do a lot of things to try and
attract women. Some of them
work, and well, some of them
crash and burn. The problem is
that most men really have no idea
what women find attractive about
men. This is what leads them to
shooting in the dark and hoping
for the best.

To really get your attraction
levels soaring you have to know
what women actually find
attractive about men, all the
time, not some time. Take the
guess work out of attraction.

1. Dominance – Women absolute
love dominance in a man. Now
this doesn’t mean you walk
around like the best thing since
sliced bread and chain your
woman to the stove, but it does
mean you are in control. You take
control, you command control
and your control is incredibly
attractive to females.

2. Confidence – Similar to
dominance, confidence will make
women swoon over you. They
adore the alpha male that stands
in front of the line. You can’t be
the little puppy that just falls in
line. Be sure and proud of who
you are, confidence in yourself
and what you do is what will reel
women in like the catch of the

3. Relax – Women really like it
when you seem calm and relaxed.
Now this doesn’t mean you need
to pop a Valium before talking to
a woman but it does mean you
need to take a few deep breaths
and just cool it. When you appear
relaxed women will take notice at
how cool calm and collected you

4. Hygiene – An incredibly
important and yet overlooked
part of attracting women is
hygiene. Yes, appearances are
important, they are what shows
the world how you care for
yourself. Poor hygiene shows that
you don’t respect yourself and
that DOES NOT attract women.
It’s also important because I
don’t know a single time when
two people met eyes across a
crowded room and said “Wow he
looks smart.”

5. Be Fun – When you are the
“life of the party” everyone
INCLUDING women want to be
around you. They see fun people
and automatically assume they
will have fun being around them.
Now being fun can be anything
from being a social butterfly to
always having a good time no
matter where you go. No matter
which suits you BE FUN and
women will respond.

6. Be Positive – Being happy will
really attract great attention. No
one wants to hang out with a
gloomy Gus, so if you’re moping
around you are not going to
attract women, in fact it will be
the antithesis of attraction. You
will push people away. You will
find them turning and walking the
opposite direction rather than
engaging you.

7. Be Generous – Being giving is
a good way to get female
attention and it will be very
positive attention. This doesn’t
mean kill your bank account
trying to be the cool guy that
gives everything anyone asks for,
but it does mean you shouldn’t
shy away from offering drinks,
food or something that will help
them at that moment. Giving will
make you appear to be the care
taker and women love when men
take care of them.

8. Be Chivalrous – As much as
people say “Chivalry is dead” it
doesn’t mean it can’t be revived.
And trust me women will eat it up
like the last box of Chunk Munky
ice cream. Open doors for them,
pull chairs out and be all around
a knight in shining armor.
Chivalry is NOT dead and it will
win women over time and time

9. Be Spontaneous – Spontaneity
shows excitement and women
don’t want to be a part of a
humdrum life. Women love
spontaneous acts of passion and
romance. They love it when they
are surprised and when you keep
things interesting no woman will
be able to resist.

10. Show Commitment – Before
you freak out and have a heart
attack this doesn’t mean you
should get down on one knee and
ask the girl to marry you. It just
means you need to show her you
are capable of commitment and
you don’t shy away from it like
most men. Women love when
men can commit and showing her
you can, will lock in your position
at the top of her list.

Friday 5 April 2013

HIV Positive Zimbabwean Musician Deported From Canada

An HIV positive Zimbabwean artist has been deported from Canada after being declared a danger to the public after he apparently had sex with women without disclosing his status.

Charles Kokanai Mzite, who has performed before Oprah Winfrey no-less. He said he had been infected since 1995 and his wife had passed away in 2000.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Secrets Men Keep From Women

Between the two genders, it has always been the general consensus that women are the more complicated, secretive and mysterious ones. It seems, though, that each gender has their own level of mystery because the truth is that if you're a woman, you will never really entirely understand what it means to be a man and the same applies to a woman; she will never entirely understand what it means to be a man.

Friday 22 February 2013


1. He doesn’t want you to know where he lives. He will always get a room or come to your house to have sex

 2. He switches his phone off late at night claiming that he values his sleep

 3. If his wife is upcountry he will be traveling a lot especially over the weekend


Don't say I didn't warn yall ladies
out there
1. Don't be in a hurry to move out
of your parents house.
2. Don't wait for a man before you
start living. You can live a fulfilled
life as a single woman.
3. Stay away from alcohol. It has
killed others and you are not
4. Don't entertain a wrong number
call, especially at night. Its not the
right way to find a lover.
5. Develop a healthy eating habit.
Always take breakfast and avoid
6. Dress well: Impression count.
People will judge you by the way
you dress even before they talk to
7. Don't use sex as proof of love.
Sex is no proof of love, he'll leave
you after the sex.
8. Don't marry for the money, else
you'll become one of his
9. Add value to yourself - get a
career. Don't be fooled that a man
will solve all your problems.
10. Beauty is not everything. If it is
all you have, you'll lose your place
to someone beautiful, better more
matured and competent than you

Gabrielle Union at Essence Luncheon

Miss Gabby tweeted this photo of herself at the recently held Essence Luncheon. I must say, she looks absolutely gorgeous! And that green looks really good on her!

Janet Jackson at Milan Fashion Week 2013


Looks like Janet Jackson is aging so well. And those braids, yes queen! I swear after this, we are going to see the braids trend a lot.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Wiz Khalifa And Amber Rose Welcome Baby!

<a href="" imageanchor="1" ><img border="0" src="" /></a>

<p>Amber Rose has finally given birth to her baby! Yesterday, Wiz Khalifa announced the baby’s arrival on Twitter just hours after he tweeted a photo of himself in scrubs with the caption, “It’s Daddy Time!”

<p>Sources say that its boy and has been named Sebastian Taylor Thomaz. Congrats to them and all the best in their future endeavors!

Monday 18 February 2013

Kandi Buress Releases Gospel Track

Kandi Burruss seemed to ruffle up
the feathers of some Bible-
thumpers and gospel music fans
this weekend after she debuted
her new single, “Stay Prayed Up”
on last night’s episode of Real
Housewives Of Atlanta.    She
snagged gospel great Marvin Sapp
for the inspirational track where
she sings the lyrics:

"I stay prayed up, that gets
me by, That’s how I made
it through my darkest
times. Yeah, I’m a sinner
and that’s no lie, Thank
God my prayers are heard
because he knows I try"

Although the song shot straight to
Number 1 on the Itunes Gospel
charts after the show, it has
received tons of criticism from
people who lead perfect lives
(sarcasm)…who feel as though
Kandi is the last person who
should be singing a gospel record
since she has a very popular sex
toy line and openly talks about
sex during her weekly web stream
segment Kandi Koated Nights.

Kandi took to her Facebook to
address the criticism and posted:
I knew when I decided to
do it that I would be
criticized. That’s to be
expected. I’m a single
mom that had a child out
of wedlock, I speak openly
about sex on
#KandiKoatedNights, I
have #BedroomKandi,
etc… I’m very honest
about who I am. My great
grand father & my
grandfather were Bishops
in The Church of God
Holiness. I believe in God
but I have always
struggled with the rules of
the church just like a lot
of people. The song “Stay
Prayed Up” is like a
testimony for me.
Hopefully people with a
similar struggle can relate.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Big Brother Africa boasts of One Million Facebook fans

Like! BBA boasts 1 Million Facebook fans Big Brother Africa fans have proved that it remains arguably the biggest and most popular television series in Africa.

Friday 8 February 2013

Man Pays Daughter $200 to Deactivate HerFacebook

Paul Baier is a good dad. That’s why he plans to pay his daughter $200 to deactivate her Facebook page — probably so she can reconnect with Life before it’s too late.
Baier’s daughter, Rachel, was 14 years (and 5 months) when she signed a contract with her dad on Feb. 4. The contract, which will be finalized on June 26 and is posted on Baier’s blog, gives Baier full control of Rachel’s Facebook page in addition to her password so he can deactivate the account.

“This will prevent me from re-activating the account in the future,” reads the agreement which is signed by both Rachel and her dad.
The note includes this additional wording: “I plan to use the money for following purpose…”
In her teenage handwriting, Rachel fills in the word “stuff.”

Dear Facebook

Dear Facebook,

its with great pleasure that i write toyou. Firstly allow me to express m ysincere thanks to you fo rallowing me to be on you and indeed for giving me thousands of cyber friends.Further thanks for allowing me to keep in touch with my loved ones. But i have a few observations to make,

1. When a man updates their status they'll get 2 likes and 3 comments from their former classmates and 0 friend requests..but if the same status is updated by a lady, they get 170 likes,350 comments and 470 friend requests...why are you tolerating Gender Discrimination?

2. People who dont even have licence in real life have cars on fb... why do you allow black mailing?

3. People who are looked after and not working in real life are CEOs on fb...why do you allow scams?

4. Everyone writes prayers on fb but in real life they never have time to kneel down and pray...why dont you remind them that you are not God?

5. Everyone on fb likes to see a status pronouncing blessings on them but they never bless others in real life...cant you stop that selfishness?

6. If facebook is about meeting and making new friends,why do you block me when i try doing so? Must i know everyone? Please look into these issues.

Concerned addict.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Peter Ndlovu Brought Pornographic Material To Training Sessions, Twalumba

<p>Former Warriors captain Peter Ndlovu had his contract with Twalumba Holdings terminated because he brought photos of naked and semi-naked women to the company’s football team training sessions and used bad language towards the technical team, a High Court Judge heard yesterday. Twalumba Holdings owner Dr Nkululeko Sibanda said this while being led by his lawyer Mr Pardon Makuvaza in the case in which Ndlovu is claiming US$55 000 in unpaid signing on fees.

<p>The matter is being heard by Justice Mary Zimba-Dube who reserved judgment indefinitely. Twalumba Holdings argued that Ndlovu did not sign with them as a football player, but he signed a partnership in which he agreed to develop football in the country. Dr Sibanda said Ndlovu had been hit by hard times in 2010 and the agreement was meant to help him come out of the woods.

<p>He said Ndlovu was expected to use his brand name to be an ambassador in sporting activities in which Twalumba was involved. But Ndlovu insisted that he is owed US$55 000 after signing for Twalumba as a player for Highfield United. Ndlovu’s lawyer Mr Harrison Nkomo objected to the claims that he brought pornographic material to training sessions.

<p>Dr Sibanda said he heard reports that Ndlovu brought the ponographic material to the training sessions and this was also intimated in a letter of termination of contract written to him. He said he did not want the matter to spill into the courts as he regarded Ndlovu as his brother. During cross-examination, Mr Nkomo asked Dr Sibanda how he could loan a player he did not own and he said: “I had Peter’s playing rights. It was in my capacity of president of Highfield United and major shareholder of Twalumba that I made the directive to loan him.

<p>“Peter had a memorandum of agreement which was signed by me in my capacity as executive chairman of Twalumba Holdings.”

<p>Dr Sibanda maintained that Ndlovu had an agreement with Twalumba Holdings and not with Highfield United. But Mr Nkomo said to show that the contract was binding, Twalumba paid Ndlovu a salary, gave him fuel and serviced his car as well as provided him a house. Next to give evidence in the defence case was the Zifa Northern Region administrator Andrew Javachava who said a football contract would not be valid without a timeframe

Michelle Williams Responses toKeyshia Cole Diss

<P>The internet was buzzing after Keyshia Cole criticized MichelleWilliams’ Superbowl performance on Twitter. Many felt Keyshia was out of line for speaking negatively about a fellow artist while others felt she was only expressing wha tmany of us were thinking.

<P>Though Michelle didn’t formally respond to Keyshia, she posted a message today on her Facebook page about her experience at the Superbowl via The YBF :

"It was an honor to share the stagewith my sisters Kelly Rowland andBeyoncĂ© on Sunday night. To allmy ladies, we must learn to sticktogether and support each other.The incredible Alicia Keys andJennifer Hudson did an amazingjob too! Thank you to my sister Beyonce for sharing your moment with Destiny’s Child. Love you!"
<P>People are interpreting Michelle’s message as evidence that she’s taking the high road, focusing on supporting other women rather than fueling negativity and conflict.

<P>Since the Superbowl featured performances by so many talented women of color (including Jennifer Hudson and Alicia Keys), it’s unfortunate that the spirit of sisterhood was undermined by Cole’s negative comments. Kudos to Michelle for being a class act. 

<P>What do you think about Mitchell's responce Beyhivees?

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Singer Miguel coming to SA

<p>MIGUEL - the singer who has the gay world copying his fancy hairdo - is finally coming to South Africa. Not only is Miguel Jontel Pimentel famous for his outrageously stylish fashion, but also for his unique sound.

<p>Born to a Mexican father and African-American mother, the almond-eyed star first grasped the world’s attention with his hit “Sure Thing” on his debut album “All I Want Is You” in 2010 .

<p>His single “Adorn”, from his new album “Kaleidoscope Dream”, took over the world charts and more than 68 000 copies of the CD were sold in the first week of its release in October last year.

<p>He will perform in Joburg at the Standard Bank Arena on March 1 and 2. Cape Town will get to see him on March 3 at The Grand West Casino.

<p>The guests will also be spoilt by a plethora of talented South African musicians, including Teargas, Donald, Zakes Bantwini and Idols winner Khaya Mthethwa. Tickets are available at Computicket from R350

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